LCQ5: The development of Liantang-Heung Yuen Wai boundary control point

    Following is a question by the Hon Cheung Hok-ming and a reply by the Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, in the Legislative Council today (July 2):


    It has been reported that the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Joint Preliminary Planning Study on Developing the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Control Point" is nearing completion and the internal study conducted by the Hong Kong Government to tie in with the development of the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai boundary control point (the new BCP) is in its final stage.  Both the Shenzhen Municipal Government and the Hong Kong Government expect that specific development details of the new BCP will be finalised in the latter half of the year.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council of:

(a)  the positioning and functions of the new BCP;

(b)  its preliminary idea about the road alignment of the new BCP within Hong Kong's territory; and

(c)  the links which will be established between the new BCP and other places within the existing Frontier Closed Area (such as Sha Tau Kok)?


Madam President,

    Given the very close link between Hong Kong¡¯s economic development and neighbouring Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta Region, we need to plan strategic cross-boundary infrastructural projects as well as to continuously enhance the facilities of boundary control points.  The proposed Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai boundary control point (LT/HYW BCP) is a major project to achieve the above objective. 

    My reply to the three-part question is as follows:

(a)  From the macro economic development and strategic perspectives, the planned LT/HYW BCP will connect the Eastern Corridor in Shenzhen and provide an efficient access to the eastern part of Guangdong Province and adjacent provinces via Shen-hui and Shen-shan Expressways.  This will significantly shorten the distance between Hong Kong/Shenzhen and the eastern part of Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces, and greatly facilitate future regional cooperation and development. 

    From the local perspective, the planned new BCP will help re-distribute the cross-boundary traffic amongst the crossings in the eastern part of the territory, alleviate the frequent traffic congestion at Man Kam To (MKT) Control Point, and provide room for improvement at MKT and Sha Tau Kok (STK) Control Points.  The overall capacity and the quality of service of various BCPs in the eastern part of the territory (including LT/HYW, MKT and STK) will be greatly enhanced in the future.

    The positioning and functions of the new BCP are mainly to serve the cross-boundary goods vehicles and long distance passengers travelling between Hong Kong and Shenzhen East, Huizhou, the eastern part of Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian.  It will handle about 20,600 vehicles and 30,700 passengers per day in 2030.

(b)  We have to construct a new trunk road to link up the LT/HYW BCP and the existing highway networks in Hong Kong.  We will explain to the public in detail the information and design of the new BCP as well as the alignment of the connecting road after the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government have decided to construct the new BCP.

(c)  The development of the new BCP will bring about opportunities for land development in the surrounding areas including those currently within the Frontier Closed Area (FCA).  At present, the Planning Department (PlanD) is conducting two relevant studies on the related issues.  The first one is the ¡°Study on Land Use Planning for the Closed Area ¡±, which aims to formulate a planning framework to provide guidance for the development and conservation for the land to be released from the FCA.  The study covers the proposed LT/HYW BCP and adjacent areas.  The first stage community engagement for the study is now in progress (until early August) while the second stage will commence in early 2009.  It is expected that the whole study will be completed in mid-2009.

    Secondly, the PlanD plans to launch the ¡°Study on the Enhancement of the Sha Tau Kok Rural Township and Surrounding Areas¡± in early 2009.  The study, aiming to formulate a comprehensive plan to enhance the Sha Tau Kok rural township and surrounding areas, is scheduled for completion in end-2010.  We will consult the relevant organisations, including district councils, rural committees, green groups, etc.

Ends/Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:32