Acting Chief Executive summarises healthcare reform consultation

    The Government published the Healthcare Reform Consultation Document "Your Health, Your Life" on March 13 and the three-month, stage one public consultation ended today (June 13).       

    The Acting Chief Executive, Mr Henry Tang, expressed satisfaction with the consultation.  He thanked various parties in the community including the Legislative Council, District Councils, healthcare professions, and other organisations and individuals who had actively participated in the consultation. 

    "We are glad to see the active involvement of the community and appreciate their valuable opinions.  The first stage public consultation shows that there is clear consensus in the community to reform the healthcare system and improve healthcare services.  The public in general feel the pressing need for healthcare reform," Mr Tang said.

    "The Government is acutely aware of public demand for improving the current healthcare services.  We will take on board their views and make best use of increased government healthcare funding in the next few years to take forward reforms that receive wide public support."

    The consultation showed that the public generally supported the proposals put forward by the Government to reform healthcare services, including enhancing primary care, promoting public-private partnership, developing electronic health record sharing, and strengthening existing public safety net.  There were also calls for implementing these reforms more expeditiously and vigorously.

    Mr Tang also saw the need to address the issue of financing to sustain the improvements in healthcare services.  "The Government will analyse in detail and consolidate the views received.  We will strike the right balance between the expectations and concerns expressed by different sectors of the community.  On the basis of the first stage public consultation, we will launch the second stage and put forward feasible options on supplementary financing to facilitate further discussion and consensus-building by the community."

Ends/Friday, June 13, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:58