SCMA's response to media question

    Following is the answer of the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, to a media question after attending the friendly football match between Government officials and Legislative Council Members this (May 24) afternoon:

Reporter: бн the nationality issue regarding the Under Secretaries бн ?

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs : Under the Basic Law, the only requirement we have is that the Secretaries of Government (Directors of Bureaux) and the Heads of Disciplined Services should not hold foreign right of abode. As for their deputies, in the 11 years since the Handover in 1997, the Police Force, the Immigration Department, the ICAC and the Customs and Excise Department have always allowed their Deputy Directors (and Deputy Commissioners) who are permanent residents of Hong Kong to act as Directors from time to time. There is no requirement that they should not hold foreign right of abode. We believe that as permanent residents of Hong Kong, these Under Secretaries, like their public service counterparts, will have full and ample commitment to serve the people of Hong Kong and the community.

(Please also refer to the Chinese transcript.)

Ends/Saturday, May 24, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:58