More donations required for earthquake relief

    About $1 billion has been raised in Hong Kong for the Sichuan earthquake victims.

    As at noon today (May 19), about $77.87 million had been raised through different channels for the Secretary for Home Affairs Incorporated - Donations (SHAI ¡ª Donations) account including a fund-raising TV show on May 17.  Taking into account the $300 million from the Disaster Relief Fund and the donations made by Hong Kong people to the Central People's Government and the relief organisations direct, it is estimated that about $1 billion has been raised in Hong Kong for the Sichuan earthquake victims.

    A Home Affairs Bureau spokesman said today the fund-raising activities in the past few days were widely supported by various sectors in the community, including District Councils, community groups, charity groups, civil servants, political parties as well as numerous Hong Kong people. The spokesman thanked Hong Kong people for their warm-hearted contributions in money and in kind.

    The spokesman said that in view of the serious impact of the earthquake, more money was needed to contribute to the disaster relief and rehabilitation work.  He appealed to people to continue to donate money generously through the following channels:

    For cheque donations:
The 20 Public Enquiry Service Centres (PESCs) of the 18 District Offices of the Home Affairs Department (HAD), and all Post Offices.

    For cheque and cash donations
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC) account number "004-502-256803-001"; or
Bank of China (BOC) account number "012-875-0-039683-3".

    Cheques should be addressed to "The Secretary for Home Affairs Incorporated ¡ª Donations" (or SHAI ¡ª Donations).

    A list of donors who have contributed $100,000 or above (Chinese only) is attached to the Chinese version of the press release.

    For details please browse the HAD homepage (

Ends/Monday, May 19, 2008
Issued at HKT 17:59