Counselling service ready for HK residents affected by Sichuan earthquake

    The Social Welfare Department's social workers and clinical psychologists are ready to provide counselling and other welfare assistance to Hong Kong residents who have been affected by the Sichuan earthquake, a departmental spokesman said today (May 15).

    "Some local residents may have relatives who died or were reported missing in the Sichuan earthquake or they may suffer from other losses. They may be emotionally disturbed or in grief," he said.

    "Others who have travelled to Sichuan for leisure or work at the time of the earthquake and returned to Hong Kong safely may still be troubled by their experiences there.  Those who have witnessed the plight of Sichuan and other affected places through the media may also have persistently unsettling and unstable emotions."

    The spokesman said people who were affected in various ways could seek counselling from the department's professional social workers and clinical psychologists.

    "During and after major natural disasters, almost everyone will be emotionally affected. The negative emotions will normally diminish with the passage of time," he said.

    "However, when the feelings are too intense, lasting more than two weeks, and are seriously affecting a person¡¯s normal life, one should seriously consider getting professional help."

    Hong Kong residents in need of assistance by social workers or clinical psychologists may call the Social Welfare Department's hotline 2343 2255 or approach the Integrated Family Service Centre (IFSC) near their place of residence.

    Those affected by the Sichuan earthquake and have other welfare needs may also seek assistance from the social workers of IFSCs.

Ends/Thursday, May 15, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:44