Hong Kong environment and energy service companies visit San Francisco (English only)

    A delegation of environment and energy service companies from Hong Kong visited San Francisco today (May 9, San Francisco time) to meet with Bay Area clean technology companies and associated service providers to discuss joint project opportunities.

    The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco has been collaborating with the US Department of Commerce in bringing Hong Kong business delegations to San Francisco. Delegations received in the past few years were from the creative industries with focus on film and digital entertainment.

    San Francisco is a leading city in environmental protection with vibrant environmental industries. The delegation from Hong Kong has had productive meetings with the San Francisco Bay Area environmental companies.

    The delegation met with the local media today at the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco. Welcoming the delegation, Ms Doris Cheung, Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco, said environmental protection was high on the agenda of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Government.

    "Hong Kong has taken vigorous measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy efficiency. We are taking the lead in raising public awareness of climate change and introducing energy saving measures of different levels. We have just introduced the mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme. The first phase of the scheme will cover three most commonly used household electrical appliances. The scheme will help inform consumers of the energy efficiency performance of the appliances and encourage 'greener' and 'smarter' purchases," said Ms Cheung.

    "Regional co-operation is vital to develop Hong Kong into a green metropolis. A Cleaner Production Partnership Program, jointly organised by Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department, Guangdong Economic and Trade Commission, Hong Kong Productivity Council and business and industrial sectors was launched in April. Under the program, the Hong Kong Government will provide funding support to Hong Kong-owned factories in the Pearl River Delta region to help them reduce emissions and enhance energy efficiency."

    On promoting wider use of renewable energy, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government last week announced the launching of the first major technology co-operation project under the "Shenzhen Hong Kong Innovation Circle" to establish a Solar Energy Research and Industrial Platform in collaboration with DuPont. The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation has been tasked to establish a Solar Energy R&D Support Centre at the Hong Kong Science Park to assist the development of solar energy and related technologies in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.

    "While the Hong Kong Government works closely with governments of neighbouring Mainland cities on environmental issues, I am pleased to see active participation of the private sector in working towards a cleaner and better environment. I hope that through regional and international partnerships we can effectively address the environmental problems," Ms Cheung added.

    Members of the delegation are from leading companies in the field of environment and energy service specialising in energy efficiency, pollution prevention as well as hazardous waste treatment and safe final disposal.

Ends/Saturday, May 10, 2008
Issued at HKT 08:11