Update of a food poisoning case in school

    In response to media enquiries on a food poisoning case occurred at a school fair on April 26, a spokesman for the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (May 8) said laboratory test on a sample of the remaining pancake collected from the school on April 28 yielded positive results to Group D Salmonella.

    He said a total of 128 persons, comprising 56 males and 72 females aged from one to 59, were affected in the outbreak.  Twenty-two of them required hospitalisation and all had been discharged in stable condition.  Laboratory test on the stool specimens of 34 patients also showed the presence of Group D Salmonella and one of them also had blood culture positive for Group D Salmonella.

Ends/Thursday, May 8, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:30