Employer fined for breaching MPFS Ordinance

    The following is issued on behalf of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority:

    An employer was fined $15,000 at the Kwun Tong Magistracy today (May 7), after being convicted of offences under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485).

    Lead Young Sea & Air Freight Co Ltd (BR No. 18654031) was charged with offences under section 7(1) and 7(1A)(b) of the ordinance. The defendant was convicted in an ex-parte hearing on two counts of failing to enrol two employees in MPF schemes as required by the ordinance. The defendant was fined $7,500 each for the two summonses, totalling $15,000.

    The MPFA pursued one claim in the Small Claims Tribunal for about $37,000 on behalf of three employees, who were owed MPF contributions by their employer.

    At the tribunal's hearing today, Milibro Enterprises Limited, did not dispute the amount claimed. The Adjudicator ordered it to pay the MPFA the sum of $37,700, being mandatory contributions in arrears and surcharges payable.

    The amount awarded will be reimbursed to the employees' MPF accounts as soon as it is received by the MPFA. The tribunal also ordered the defendant to pay costs of $166.

Ends/Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Issued at HKT 17:31