Working group to study improvements to New Hiram's Highway

    Following up on the serious traffic accident on New Hiram's Highway, the Transport Department, in conjunction with relevant departments, has set up a working group the next day to study improvement measures for the highway.

    "We are saddened by the accident and extend our deepest condolence to the bereaved families and the injured. Over the past few days, the Transport Department has discussed the suggestions made by different parties on the enhancement of safety measures for New Hiram's Highway," a spokesman for the Transport Department said today (May 4).

    "The accident underlines the importance of keeping vigilance to road safety, especially in enhancing road users' safety awareness and educating them the proper driving attitude. In this regard, the Government will continue to take a three-pronged approach to improve road safety through legislation and enforcement, publicity and education as well as improvement of road infrastructure."

    Taking into account the community concerns about the accident, the Transport Department has urged relevant public transport operators, including franchised buses, minibuses, coaches, taxis, as well as trade associations of heavy goods vehicles, to remind drivers to drive safely on the downhill section of the highway. Drivers should engage low gear to reduce speed and slow down when entering the roundabout. On the other hand, the Police will continue with and strengthen their enforcement actions against speeding.

    The spokesman said the working group comprised representatives of the Transport Department, the Highways Department and the Police. Members of the group will accompany the members of the Transport Panel of the Legislative Council to conduct a site visit on May 6. They will also attend the special meeting of the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Sai Kung District Council to listen to their views so that improvement measures could be implemented as soon as possible. The special meeting will also be consulted on the request of local residents to relocate the bus stop in the roundabout so that appropriate arrangements could be worked out.

    The Transport Department will continue to listen to the views from different parties and monitor the situation of the New Hiram's Highway so as to follow up as appropriate.

Ends/Sunday, May 4, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:38