Public urged to step up anti-mosquito measures

    The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) will launch the 10-week second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2008 from Monday (April 28) until July 4.

    The campaign aims to heighten public awareness of the potential risk of mosquito-borne diseases. It also encourages community participation and forges stronger partnership among government departments in anti-mosquito work.

    "The current warm and rainy weather is favourable for the hatching of mosquito eggs and rising Aedes albopicuts activities are expected," an FEHD spokesman said today (April 25).

    Among the 10 ovitrap indices available so far for April, three recorded positive figures ranging from 3.6% to 5.6%.

    In March, only three out of the 38 areas surveyed recorded positive ovitrap indices of 1.7% to 1.8%.

    "It is anticipated that some of the remaining districts would also record positive indices. In a bid to contain mosquito breeding, we urge the community to take anti-mosquito measures promptly," he said.

    The spokesman advised people to inspect their homes and surroundings weekly to remove potential breeding grounds and take the following preventive measures: scrubbing vases and pot plant saucers at least once a week; properly disposing of containers such as soft drink cans and lunch boxes; clearing drains and surface channels to prevent blockage; removing stagnant water; filling up all defective ground surfaces; wrapping up disused tyres or making large holes in them to prevent water being trapped.

    To guard against breeding of the Japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, the following measures should be taken, especially in rural areas:

* Ensure continuous water flow of water-logged fields by installing devices such as water pumps/water gates and removing stagnant water regularly;

* Inspect water-cultivation areas and animal farms frequently;

* Eliminate stagnant water in surface channels; and

* Remove water in containers for animals after feeding and cover the containers properly after use.

    During the campaign period, relevant departments will strengthen control measures and publicity efforts throughout the territory.

    These include the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department; the Architectural Services Department; the Buildings Department; the Correctional Services Department; the Drainage Services Department; the Environmental Protection Department; the Government Logistics Department; the Highways Department; the Department of Health; the Home Affairs Department; the Housing Department; the Immigration Department; the Labour Department; the Lands Department; the Leisure and Cultural Services Department; the Marine Department; the Social Welfare Department; the Water Supplies Department; the Education Bureau and the Hospital Authority.

    More information and advice on anti-mosquito measures are available on the FEHD website,

Ends/Friday, April 25, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:03