Invitation for views on the Healthcare Reform Consultation Document

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

    The Legislative Council Panel on Health Services invites views from the public on the Healthcare Reform Consultation Document published by the Government in March 2008. For details of the Consultation Document, please visit the website at

    Interested parties are invited to send their written submissions to the Clerk to the Panel on or before Saturday, May 3 2008 and indicate whether they intend to make oral presentation to the Panel at one of its meetings to be held on May 10 and May 17 2008 (Saturdays) at 9am in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building.

    In line with usual practice, all submissions received will be made available to the media and the public and uploaded onto the Website of the Legislative Council unless the concerned parties have advised otherwise.  If the submission is available in both Chinese and English, please provide both versions and their softcopy.  Those who wish to attend the meetings are requested to send in their particulars including their names, organizations represented (if applicable), contact telephone and fax numbers.  Submissions received and oral presentations at the meetings will not be covered by the protection and immunity provided under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382).

    The relevant address, fax and telephone numbers, and e-mail address are as follows:

Address: Clerk to Panel on Health Services
        Legislative Council Secretariat
        3/F Citibank Tower
        3 Garden Road
        Hong Kong
Fax No.: 2509 0775
Tel No.: 2509 0629 or 2869 9425
E-mail Address:

Ends/Saturday, April 19, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:01