Vigilance against viral hepatitis E infection urged

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (April 14) urged members of the public to be on the alert against viral hepatitis E infection and to strictly observe good personal, food and environmental hygiene.

    The appeal was made in view of the higher incidence of viral hepatitis E infection recently.

    The Consultant, Community Medicine, of CHP, Dr S K Chuang, said a total of 45 cases had been reported to CHP so far this year, while the figure for the same period in 2007 was 25. 

    The figures for the whole year of 2005, 2006 and 2007 were 33, 34 and 64 respectively.

    The cases were distributed throughout Hong Kong and involved patients aged between 16 and 84. So far, the food histories provided by the patients have not shown a single common source outbreak related to any particular food premises, Dr Chuang said.

    Dr Chuang said hepatitis E was acquired by ingestion of contaminated food or water and therefore it is preventable by observing good personal and food hygiene. The incubation period ranges from 15 to 64 days before onset of symptoms.

    "Hepatitis E is usually more active during the winter and spring seasons.

    "Clinical features of acute hepatitis E resemble those of other types of viral hepatitis, including anorexia, malaise, fever and vomiting, followed by jaundice, passing tea-coloured urine and hepatoemegaly.  Most of the patients recover in three to six weeks.  However, pregnant patients carry a higher risk of severe disease from the infection," Dr Chuang said.

    To prevent hepatitis E infection, the public is advised to take the following precautions:

* Most important, cook food thoroughly before consumption.
* Avoid raw food or semi-cooked food.
* Purchase fresh food from reliable sources. Do not patronise illegal hawkers.
* Clean and wash food thoroughly.
* Handle and store raw and cooked food, especially seafood, separately (upper compartment of the refrigerator for cooked food and lower compartment for raw food) to avoid cross contamination.
* Store perishable food in the refrigerator, well covered and keep the temperature of the refrigerator at or below 4C.
* Wash hands properly with soap and water before eating or handling food, and after going to the toilet.

Ends/Monday, April 14, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:26