"Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners" covers wide range of works

    In response to the enquiries from the press concerning the range of works to be covered by the "Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners" ("the Scheme"), the Development Bureau's spokesman said today (4 March) that the scope of works covered by the Scheme is very wide.

    Apart from general repair works at the external walls and common areas of a building, the coverage of works also includes areas that are most concerned by the elders and common problems present in elderly owners' premises.  Examples include repair of cracked and spalled concrete and exposed reinforcement inside and outside domestic units; fixing of internal and external water supply and drainage pipes; repair of defective external walls and water-proofing membranes at rooftops to alleviate water seepage problems; repair and replacement of defective windows; and replacement of internal and external electrical wiring, etc.  The Scheme also covers general consequential touch-up works arising from repair projects.

    "We will ensure that the grant scheme will address the needs of the elderly and improve the safety of their premises effectively", the spokesman said.

    The spokesman also supplemented that the Administration has earmarked in the 2008/09 Budget a one-off funding of $200 million to improve the indoor living environment of needy elders.  The Labour and Welfare Bureau will introduce a new scheme to assist elderly families living in dilapidated homes with poor fittings.  Arrangements will be made for minor home maintenance and improvement works and purchase of necessary fittings.  The scheme mainly focuses on indoor domestic items, such as installation of grab bars and non-slippery flooring materials in bathrooms, purchase of electric fans, etc.

    The detailed scope of works covered by the "Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners" is as follows:

*    Improvement of the structural aspects of buildings, e.g. repair to loose, cracked, spalled or otherwise defective concrete;

*    Improvement of the safety of external elevations of buildings, e.g. repair to defective rendering and mosaic tiles;

*    Repair or replacement of defective windows;

*    Improvement of the fire safety of buildings, e.g. means of escape, means of access for fire fighting and rescue and fire resisting construction;

*    Provision of, improvement to and maintenance of, fire service installations and equipment of buildings;

*    Removal of unauthorized building works and illegal rooftop structures;

*    Improvement of building and sanitary services, e.g. repairing, maintaining and replacing lifts, fire services installations and equipment, electrical wiring, gas risers, replacing defective soil, waste, rainwater, water supply and vent pipes, and underground drainage;

*    Repair of water-proofing membranes at rooftop and works to alleviate water seepage problem;

*    Maintenance or improvement works for slopes and retaining walls;

*    Improvement of the fire and building safety of cubicles; and

*    Maintenance works in association with the above works, including investigation works, professional services and any incidental or consequential works.  The above scope of works is applicable to repair works carried out in the common areas of buildings as well as inside the individual units of the elderly owners.

Ends/Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Issued at HKT 21:01