1,000 students from Islands District enjoy study tour in Disneyland (with photos)

    More than 1, 000 students from 25 primary and secondary schools of the Islands District took part in the "Islands District Study Tour (2007-08) ¡ª Disney Youth Education Series" held in Hong Kong Disneyland today (February 29).

    The free study tour is jointly organised by the Islands District Council and the Islands District Office and sponsored by the Islands District Council.

    It aims to allow youngsters from different islands in the district to get together for interaction with each other, the environment and things around them through the activities of the study tour.

    The organisers, in collaboration with Hong Kong Disneyland, this year designed a one-day field trip entitled "Disney Youth Education Series" with the programmes, "Synergy in Science", "Disney's World of Physics" and "Disney's Animation Magic" for more than 1,000 participants.

    The participants were able to gain an understanding of synergy in science and the world of physical science by exploring Disney's mechanical games and the making of three dimensional animations.

    The participants will submit reports on the field trip to their schools and the Islands District Office. Assessment will be conducted and the district office will give awards to the best three reports from the primary and secondary groups.

    Since the first study tour in 2005-06, the Islands District Council and the Islands District Office have organised the tour each year to encourage young people in the district to participate in district events and activities.  The tours have always been warmly received.

    Officiating guests of today's launching ceremony were Islands District Council Chairman, Mr Daniel Lam; the Islands District Officer, Mr Byron Lam; and the Vice President, Resort Operations, of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Mr Dave Vermeulen.

Ends/Friday, February 29, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:31