Officiating Guests and Joint Organizers pledging support from member organizations to the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. (From left to right: Professor Lam Kin-che, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Advisory Council on the Environment; Dr Andrew Thomson, CEO of the Business Environment Council; Dr Wai Tze-kong, Chairman of the Environmental Concern Sub-committee, The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce; Mr Lau Kin Wah, Kevin, Executive Committee Member of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong; Mr Daniel Cheng, MH, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries; Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah, JP, Secretary for the Environment; Mr Joseph Lee Chung-tak, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Environmental Campaign Committee; Mr Chan Fung Ping, Vice-President of the Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters' Association; Mr Cliff Choi, Business Director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service; Mr Wilson Fung, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Productivity Council; and Mr Oscar Chow, Chairman of the Environment Committee, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.)