SEN visits Lantau Island (with photos)

    The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, visited Lantau District today (December 28) to better understand the rural culture of Tai O and see the nature conservation work on the island.

     Accompanied by the Islands District Officer, Mr Byron Lam, Mr Yau first visited Tai O where he was briefed on the mangrove replanting project. He then proceeded to the promenade of the Tai O Sheltered Boat Anchorage where he saw how the revitalisation projects would feature and preserve the traditional culture and natural habitats of Tai O.

     He also visited the Tai O Rural Committee Historic and Cultural Showroom to learn about the history of Tai O's fishing and salt-making industries and the varied folklore of this fishing village.

     He then called on the Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works where he was briefed on the tertiary sewage treatment technology. This was the first tertiary treatment works in Hong Kong.

     Apart from visiting Tai O and Ngong Ping, Mr Yau also went to Tai Ho, one of the 12 priority sites identified for enhanced conservation under the New Nature Conservation Policy.  In Tai Ho, Mr Yau was briefed on the high biodiversity and ecological significance of the Tai Ho stream.

     Before ending his visit, he went to view the extension of Lantau North Country Park, which will become the 24th country park in Hong Kong.

Ends/Friday, December 28, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:47