Flushing water stoppage to some premises in Kowloon Tong

    Flushing water supply to some premises in Kowloon Tong will be suspended from 9am to 4pm tomorrow (December 28) for carrying out alteration work on water mains.

     The suspension will affect premises in Junction Road, Cornwall Street, Kent Road, To Fuk Road, Cumberland Road, Boundary Street, La Salle Road, Baptist University Road, Renfrew Road, Kam Shing Road, Beacon Hill Road, Hereford Road, Wiltshire Road, Durham Road, Hampshire Road, Oxford Road, Cambridge Road, Dorset Crescent, Devon Road, Somerset Road, Suffolk Road, True Light Lane, Tim Fuk Road, Nofolk Road, York Road, Rutland Quandrant, Stafford Road, Essex Crescent, Lincoln Road, Ho Tung Road, Flint Road, Selkirk Road, Morary Road, Derby Road, Chester Road and Lancashire Road areas.

Ends/Thursday, December 27, 2007
Issued at HKT 15:20