Government accepts Council for Sustainable Development's population policy principles and targets

    The Government had accepted all the principles and targets put forward by the Council for Sustainable Development in its Report on the Public Engagement Process on Population Policy, a government spokesman announced today (December 21).

     Releasing the Government's response to the recommendations in the Council's report, the spokesman said the Government recognised the need to develop a sustainable population policy that suited Hong Kong's long-term social and economic development, addressed the interests of different sectors in the community and took into account the needs of families.

     "The principles and targets of the council's recommendation are in line with the Government's overall objective in securing and nurturing a quality population that supports and sustains Hong Kong's development as a knowledge-based economy and world-class city," the spokesman said.

     "We are most grateful to the council for its unfailing efforts in engaging the community in discussing the issue on population policy and putting together a report with 24 constructive recommendations.

     "The Government attaches much importance to this report, which serves as a useful reference for the development of a sustainable population policy.  The relevant bureaus and departments are actively following up on the implementation of the various recommendations," he said.

     "In particular, a high-level Family Council has just been established to advise the Government on the formulation of policies and strategies for supporting and strengthening the family and on the development of related programmes/activities, and to monitor their implementation.

     "To better prepare the local workforce to meet the challenges brought about by economic restructuring, we have relaxed the eligibility criteria of the Employees Retraining Scheme to cover young people aged 15-29 and people with education level at sub-degree or below with effect from December 1.  We have also earlier lifted the upper age limit of eligible applicants of the Continuing Education Fund from 60 to 65.

     "On the admission of talent, we are reviewing the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme in the light of public feedback and the experience gained since its launching in mid-2006, with a view to completing the review by early next year and putting in place the review recommendations by mid-2008.

     "A population with a high proportion of the elderly will have a higher demand on health care services.  We will consult the public on the future direction of our health care system in early 2008, including how to meet the needs of such a population.

     "As population policy is a highly complex and multi-faceted subject covering a wide range of issues, all of which have a direct impact on our lives, a Steering Committee on Population Policy has been established to better plan and co-ordinate efforts on population policy.  The Steering Committee will follow up on the areas that warrant further study and develop strategies and practical measures for pursuing the objectives of Hong Kong's population policy," the spokesman said.

     Established in March, 2003, the council is responsible for advising the Government on the priority areas for formulating sustainable development strategies, and promoting public awareness and understanding of the principles of sustainable development.

     The council conducted a public engagement process on population policy from June to October, 2006, and released a Report on the Public Engagement Process on Population Policy in June, 2007.  The report put forward recommendations for a sustainable population policy for Hong Kong.

     The council's recommendations touched upon a wide-range of issues, including the provision of more open space and recreational outlets as well as the development of culture and the arts to enhance the population's quality of life; financial incentives and other supportive measures to promote parenthood; enhancement of the current retraining programmes and relevant talent admission schemes to nurture a quality manpower for Hong Kong; and the promotion of healthy and active ageing.  

     The Government response can be downloaded from the website of the Administration Wing of Chief Secretary for Administration's Office at

Ends/Friday, December 21, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:01