2007 Edition of Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends Published

    The 2007 Edition of the Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends is published by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (December 13).  The publication is now available for downloading (in PDF format) free of charge at the website of C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/index.jsp).

     Published on a biennial basis, the Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends presents selected major statistical series relating to various social and economic aspects of Hong Kong.    

     With the use of tables and charts, plus commentaries, this publication aims to give readers an overall view of Hong Kong's social and economic trends in the past decade.

     This publication also contains a list of major social and economic events about Hong Kong during the period from 1996 to October 2007.  Many of the events on the list are those that have shaped Hong Kong's social and economic developments during the period, the effect of which is also reflected in statistics presented in the publication.

     The print version of this publication will be available for sale in end-December 2007.  Purchase can be done in the following ways:

(i)  Purchase in person at the Publications Unit of C&SD (Address: 19/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; Tel: 2582 3025).
(ii)  Complete a mail order form which is available for downloading at the C&SD Website  (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/other_services/provision_of_stat/mail_ordering_of_publications/index.jsp) and return it to C&SD.
(iii) Purchase online at the Government Bookstore of the Information Services Department (www.bookstore.gov.hk).  Print version if purchased online is offered a discount and is sold at 85% of its original price.

     The biennial publication, Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends, is one of the general statistical digests compiled by the Census and Statistics Department.  Other digests include the Hong Kong Economic Trends (half-monthly), Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics and Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics.  Each digest brings together statistical data covering various social and economic aspects of Hong Kong.  Statistical data contained cover a very wide range of topics relating to the society, economy and businesses.  The digests are each featured in its own way.  They are published at different frequencies with statistical data series presented in various length, depth and format.  Complementing each other, together they form a comprehensive series for reference.

     Enquiries about the contents of the Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends can be directed to the General Statistics Section (2)B of C&SD (Tel: 2582 4734 or email: g2b_1@censtatd.gov.hk).

Ends/Thursday, December 13, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:00