CE visits Fire Services Department (with photos/video)

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, today (December 7) visited the Fire Services Department to learn more about its efforts to streamline the processing of compliance inspections required in the application for licences by operators of food establishments, cinemas and places of public entertainment. He also learned about how the department was enhancing the tackling skills of frontline firefighters and improving the quality of the ambulance service.

     The Chief Executive said he was pleased to know that a series of measures had been put in place to make it easier for businesses to apply for licences. These measures included reviewing work procedures, providing information on the internet and participating in the liaison committees of various industries. He also noted that consultation was in progress on allowing registered fire engineers to inspect and certify compliance with fire safety requirements, which will ultimately speed up the licensing process.

     Accompanied by the Director of Fire Services, Mr Lo Chun-hung, the Chief Executive toured the Fire Services Communications Centre. He said he was impressed to see the operation of the centre which has adopted an advanced telecommunication and computer integrated mobilising system to improve the efficiency of the fire-fighting and ambulance services.

     Mr Tsang then went to the West Kowloon Rescue Training Centre which was opened in November 2006. The training centre provides training facilities that meet international standards for frontline fire personnel to enhance their fire-fighting and rescue skills. An infrared sensor system has been installed in various training areas to enable firefighters to undergo training in a safe environment.

     Mr Tsang was shown the live fire training chamber that simulates different types of fire rigs to strengthen the skills of firefighters in tackling different types of fire and disaster. He also noted that the breathing apparatus training chamber provides training for firefighters to overcome claustrophobia and to use their tactile senses to identify routes of escape in unlit and confined environments.

     For his last stop, Mr Tsang proceeded to the drill yard to see the ambulance service facilities. He noted that all the ambulances were fully equipped and manned at paramedic level and the paramedic ambulance service provided by the department had reached international standards and was professional and quality-assured. He also boarded the Mobile Casualty Treatment Centre which is equipped with advanced facilities that can perform minor operations on patients on site. Mr Tsang also chatted with an ambulanceman of the Emergency Medical Assistant Motorcycle on his experience in delivering paramedic services to the public.

     During the visit, Mr Tsang also met with frontline staff to get to know more about their challenges at work.

     "Colleagues of the Fire Services Department, especially frontline fire and ambulance personnel, always maintain a high degree of alertness in view of their heavy workload. In emergency situations and disasters, they demonstrate exemplary courage and professionalism in safeguarding the safety of citizens," Mr Tsang said.

Ends/Friday, December 7, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:30