Interruption of ICC Service

    The Integrated Call Centre (ICC) will be moving into new facilities in Tsuen Wan.

     As a result, an ICC spokesman said upgrading of the telephone network would occur between midnight and 3am on Friday (October 19).

     "As citizens may experience problems in connecting to 1823 and the hotlines of 19 departments handled by the ICC during this period, they may wish to access the ICC service through the webpage at," the spokesman said.

     The spokesman stressed that all efforts would be made to reduce the interruption during the service migration and asked for public understanding if any inconvenience was caused.

     The 19 departments the hotline service of which will be affected are:

Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department
Architectural Services Department
Buildings Department
Civil Engineering and Development Department
Companies Registry
Drainage Services Department
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Highways Department
Hongkong Post
Labour Department
Land Registry
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Marine Department
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
Rating and Valuation Department
Continuing Education Fund of Student Financial Assistance Agency
Transport Department
Tobacco Control Office of Department of Health

Ends/Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:15