Dead juvenile shark found in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park (with photo)

    The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said today (August 30) that a dead juvenile shark found by a fisherman in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park is a Blacktip Shark.

     The carcass was trapped in the net of a fisherman possessing valid marine park fishing permit near the WWF Marine Life Centre this morning.  

     Upon examination, the department identified it as a male juvenile Blacktip Shark, about 1-meter long and weighting 7.3 kg.  

     For their own safety, people should refrain from water-based activities in the park for the time being. AFCD staff would keep patrolling the park and watch out for any further sightings of sharks.

Ends/Thursday, August 30, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:10