The 2007 Secondary Six Admission Procedure will begin on August 8, the date of release of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) results.
A spokesman for the Education Bureau said today (August 1) that the objective of the procedure was to assist participants of HKCEE in seeking Secondary Six (S6) places in public sector schools, and as far as possible, to continue sixth form education in their own schools. The procedure is also aimed at maximising the utilisation of subsidised S6 places and minimising students' anxiety in seeking places.
This year, more than 25,000 S6 places are available in government, aided and caput schools.
Arrangements for 2007
With the introduction of standards-referenced (SR) reporting in the 2007 HKCEE for Chinese Language and English Language, the results of these two subjects will be reported in levels instead of grades. For the purpose of point-calculation for admission to S6, Levels 1 to 5* for Chinese Language and English Language will be converted into Points 0 to 5 respectively. Meanwhile, Grades A to E for other subjects will be given the numerical values of 5 to 1. The points for the SR reporting subjects and other subjects will be counted in the Procedure in the same way as in previous years.
Under the five-stage admission procedure, current year HKCEE candidates with 14 points or more from the best six subjects in one sitting of HKCEE can apply to their own or linked schools at Stage I (morning of August 8) or apply to other schools at Stage II (afternoon of August 8 and morning of August 9).
Current year HKCEE candidates who satisfy the minimum A-level entry requirements can apply to their own or linked schools in Stage III (afternoon of August 9) or apply to other schools in Stage IV (August 10).
For non-current year candidates, those with 14 points or more from the best six subjects in one sitting of HKCEE may apply to schools at Stage II (afternoon of August 8 and morning of August 9), and those who satisfy the minimum A-level entry requirements may apply at Stage IV (August 10).
Current year HKCEE participants who satisfy the minimum A-Level entry requirements but still have not secured an S6 place at Stages I to IV can apply for Central Allocation at Stage V at one of the following specified centres from 9 am to 3:30 pm on August 11:
* Queen's College (120 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay)
* Kowloon Technical School (332-334 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Sham Shui Po)
* Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (Sha Tin) (Area 92, Yiu On Estate, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin)
* Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School (70 Hoi Pa Street, Tsuen Wan)
* NTHYK Yuen Long District Secondary School (123 Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long)
The Central Allocation stage will be cancelled and the Central Allocation Centres will not operate if there are no vacancies, or vacancies are available in only one school after Stage IV. In the latter case, eligible students should apply to that school direct. Details of the arrangement will be announced on completion of Stage IV in the evening of August 10.
Students from the following types of schools are reminded to find out from their own schools what their linked school is:
* schools which do not operate S6 classes
* schools which operate only one stream of S6
* private schools
* evening schools
PLK Vicwood K T Chong Sixth Form College will accept private candidates as its feeder students.
To facilitate students to apply to other schools at Stages II and IV, the Education Bureau will release S6 vacancy information on the internet at http://edb.gov.hk/s6ap_e and by the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone hotline system at 3560 6888.
Students may also make use of the computers for public use at public libraries, District Offices, community centres and community halls to access vacancy information on the internet.
S6 vacancy information will also be displayed at the bureau¡¯s Regional Education Offices at the beginning of each session of Stages II, IV and V. All secondary schools are also advised to make their vacancy information available to students for reference.
Since all schools will only admit students qualified for the requirements set for individual stages, students should, based on their own HKCEE results, submit applications in accordance with the time schedule of the appropriate stages.
There will be a perforated S6 Admission Slip attached to the HKCEE Results Notice. Since the slip will be detached and retained by the school as a record of admission, students should consider carefully before accepting the offer of an S6 place. No school will admit a student without the admission slip.
Joint Admission Centre (JAC)
Schools in Tai Po, North, Sai Kung, Sha Tin, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing, Islands and Kwun Tong Districts will operate JAC. The venues are listed below:
* Tai Po -- Carmel Holy Word Secondary School (10 Tai Po Tai Wo Road, Tai Po)
* North -- TWGH Li Ka Shing College (Cheung Wah Estate, Fanling, NT)
* Sai Kung -- The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy (5 Ling Kwong Street, Tseung Kwan O, NT)
* Sha Tin -- Christ College and HK & KLN CCPA Ma Chung Sum Secondary School (Sha Kok Street, Pok Hong Estate, Sha Tin, NT)
* Tuen Mun -- CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School and Tuen Mun Government Secondary School (No 1 Tsing Hoi Circuit, Tuen Mun, NT and 393 Castle Peak Road, Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun, NT)
* Yuen Long -- POH Tang Pui King Memorial College (Phase III, Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long, NT)
* Tsuen Wan & Kwai Tsing -- LST Ku Chiu Man Secondary School and STFA Lee Shau Kee College (301 Kwai Shing Circuit, Kwai Chung, NT and 303 Kwai Shing Circuit, Kwai Chung, NT)
* Islands -- PLK Mrs Ma Kam Ming Cheung Fook Sien College (Fu Tung Estate, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, NT)
*Kwun Tong -- Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre (HKITEC) (Rotunda 1, G/F., HKITEC, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon)
The Islands District JAC will be operated at Stages II & IV, while the rest will be operated in Session 1 of Stage II only. Details of the admission arrangements at the JAC are available at the Education Bureau¡¯s Secondary Six Admission Procedure webpage, http://www.edb.gov.hk/s6ap_e
Career-Oriented Curriculum (COC) courses (Note*)
Same as 2005 and 2006, successful completion of a quality-assured COC course (the list of quality-assured COC courses is available at http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=5404&langno=1) will be counted as one point by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority in the calculation of points for the purpose of entry to the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE). The maximum number of points accumulated in respect of the COC courses for admission to HKALE is two.
As for the Procedure 2007, the scores for COC courses will be counted for central allocation at Stage V. Individual schools with students having successfully completed quality-assured COC courses are given the flexibility to decide whether to count these scores or not at Stages I to IV. This year, 122 schools have opted to count point(s) awarded on merit of a pass in COC course(s) for students' applications for admission to S6. This school list is available at the Education Bureau¡¯s Secondary Six Admission Procedure webpage.
Other points to note
This year, the bureau and the HK Careers Masters and Guidance Masters Association continue to publish jointly the "Careers Guidance Handbook for Secondary 5 Graduates 2007-2008" for distribution to Secondary 5 students via their respective schools. Copies are also made available at the bureau¡¯s Regional Education Offices as well as District Offices for private candidates and evening school students.
Students should visit the Homepage of the Education Bureau for the latest updates and details about the Secondary Six Admission Procedure and "Careers Guidance Handbook for Secondary 5 Graduates 2007-2008".
In case of inclement weather, the procedure may be postponed. Special arrangements for the affected stages of the Procedure will be announced through radio and television. Students are reminded that there is no need to hurry to schools for application under poor weather conditions. Schools should adopt contingency measures and act flexibly to ensure the safety of those students who have arrived at their schools.
Central hotline service
For enquiries about the procedure, students can call the central hotline (Tel: 3112 3334) which will come into operation between August 6 and August 15. They are also welcome to contact the bureau¡¯s Regional Education Offices for assistance.
(Note : Starting from the 2006-08 cohort of piloting, Applied Learning is used as a general term for all Career-oriented Studies programmes, including Career-oriented Curriculum courses.)
Ends/Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Issued at HKT 15:00