Town Planning Board forced to adjourn meeting

    The Town Planning Board adjourned its meeting today (May 18) after it was disrupted by some people who forced their way into the meeting venue. The meeting will be reconvened at a later date.

     With the commencement of the Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance in June, 2005, people wanting to observe Town Planning Board meetings were seated in the Public Viewing Room. Such arrangement is well publicised and had been working well over the past two years.

     "Despite detailed explanations and repeated appeals to the people to return to the public viewing room, they refused to leave the Town Planning Board meeting room," a spokesman for the board said.

     "In the circumstances, the board had to adjourn the meeting to another day," the spokesman said.

     "The inconvenience caused to all those whose applications were scheduled for consideration today is much regretted. We hope to have their understanding especially those who have turned up personally and were kept waiting. We will inform them of the details of the reconvened meeting as soon as we can," the spokesman said.

Ends/Friday, May 18, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:01