Latest arrangements for public transport terminus in Festival Walk (with map)

    Due to emergency electricity works, the public transport terminus in Festival Walk, Sham Shui Po, is temporarily closed in the afternoon today (May 17) until 10am on Sunday (May 20). The stopping points of the following public transport routes are relocated to:

Route      Destination       Temporarily Relocated To
-----      -----------        -----------------------
KMB 2C    Tsim Sha Tsui       Tat Chee Avenue outside
                              City University of HK
KMB 203   Tsim Sha Tsui East
GMB 10M   Nam Cheong Estate
GMB 10A   Nam Cheong Station
          Public Transport
GMB 2     Whampoa Garden      To Yuen St. opposite
                              Heung To Middle School

GMB 41A   Shek Kip Mei        To Yuen St. near
                              junction with
                              Tat Chee Avenue

GMB 2A    Whampoa Garden      Tat Chee Avenue near
                              HK Productivity Council
GMB 41M    Shek Kip Mei
NWFB 796B  Tiu Keng Leng      Tat Chee Avenue
           MTR St             outside Festival Walk
GMB 72     Grandview Garden
GMB 73     Tsz Wan Shan Centre

Ends/Thursday, May 17, 2007
Issued at HKT 23:25