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New Starting Salaries for Civil Service Recruits

    The Government announced today (May 15) the new starting salaries for recruits to some grades in the civil service.

     This follows the endorsement by the Chief Executive-in-Council of the findings of the recently completed Starting Salaries Survey (SSS), which used April 1, 2006 as the reference date, and on their application to the civil service.

     Very briefly, the starting salaries of some civilian grades and most disciplined grades will be increased by one to at most five pay points. The starting salaries of other grades will remain unchanged. There is no grade whose starting salary will be adjusted downwards.

     "The adjustments to the starting salaries are in accordance with the findings of the 2006 Starting Salaries Survey. Adjusting starting salaries for the civil service in accordance with prevailing comparable entry pay in the private sector is in line with our pay policy of offering remuneration sufficient to attract, retain and motivate staff of a suitable calibre to provide the public with an effective and efficient service," said Secretary for the Civil Service, Miss Denise Yue.

     The upward revision in starting salaries for some grades will affect around 12,200 civil servants who joined the entry ranks of these grades on or after April 1, 2000 and who are still serving in the entry ranks. In general, the salary of the affected civil servants, if it is below the new starting salary for their respective ranks, will be brought up to the same level as the new starting salary. The salary of the affected civil servants, if it is the same or higher than the new starting salary for their respective ranks, will be increased by one pay point subject to the maximum pay point of the concerned ranks.

     The new starting salaries and the conversion arrangement for affected serving civil servants are supported by the civil service pay-related advisory bodies (namely the Steering Committee on Civil Service Pay Adjustment Mechanism, the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service, and the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service). The staff representatives of the four central consultative councils and various service-wide civil service unions have also been consulted through the Consultative Group on Civil Service Pay Adjustment Mechanism, our established consultation platform on civil service pay adjustment issues, on the new starting salaries and the salary conversion arrangement for affected serving civil servants.

     The Government will put the new starting salaries and the salary adjustment arrangement for the affected 12,200 serving civil servants to the Legislative Council (LegCo) for approval in the coming weeks. The new starting salaries will come into being on the first day of the month immediately following LegCo's approval.

      "To ensure that civil service starting salaries stay closely in line with the market entry pay, we will conduct a SSS every three years. With the regular conduct of SSSs, the delinking arrangement, under which starting salaries are not adjusted in line with the annual civil service pay adjustment, will be discontinued," Miss Yue said.

Background information

     All civilian grades in the civil service are classified into 12 qualification groups (QG). The benchmark pay for each qualification group is set having regard to the entry pay at upper quartile (i.e. P75) of the relevant jobs in the market requiring similar qualifications and experience. For those qualification groups without private sector comparators, their benchmark pay will be set through established internal relativities with other QGs.

     When the benchmark of a QG is determined, the starting salaries of the civil service grades in that QG are set out on par with, or at one or more pay points higher than (where justified for reasons of special job requirements or recruitment difficulties), the said benchmark.

     Based on the findings of the 2006 SSS and the established internal relativities within the 12 QGs, the benchmarks for nine of them will need to be revised upwards, while the benchmarks for the remaining three will remain unchanged. Details are set out below:

                    Existing               New
   QGs              Benchmark           Benchmark
   ---              ---------           ---------

QG 1:Grades           MPS 0               MPS 1
not requiring       ($7,674)            ($8,150)
5 passes in
(e.g. Clerical

QG 2:School           MPS 2               MPS 3
Certificate         ($8,675)            ($9,245)
Group I:
requiring 5
passes in HKCEE
(e.g. Assistant
Clerical Officer,
Postal Officer)
Group II:
requiring 5
passes in HKCEE
plus considerable
(e.g. Confidential
Assistant Taxation

QG 3:Higher           MPS 11              MPS 13
Diploma and         ($15,215)           ($17,145)
Diploma Grades      (for higher         (for higher
Group I:             diploma)            diploma)
Higher Diploma        MPS 6               MPS 8    
Grades              ($11,170)           ($12,690)  
(e.g. Dental          (for                (for
Therapist,           diploma)            diploma)
Group II:
Diploma Grades          
(e.g. Technical
Survey Officer)                  

QG 4:Technical        MPS 11              MPS 13
Inspectorate and    ($15,215)           ($17,145)
Related Grades:
Certificate plus
(e.g. Assistant
Clerks of Works,
Assistant Inspector
of Works)

QG 5:Technicians,     MPS 6               MPS 6
Supervisory         ($11,170)           ($11,170)
and Related                             (i.e. no
Grades                                   change)
Group I:      
Certificate or
plus experience
Assistant III,
Works Supervisor II)

QG 6:Technician,      MPS 5               MPS 5
Supervisory         ($10,505)           ($10,505)  
and Related                             (i.e. no
Grades                                   change)
Group II:      
Craft and skill
plus experience,
or apprenticeship
plus experience
(e.g. Artisan,
Motor Driver)

QG 7:Grades           MPS 4               MPS 8
requiring 2         ($9,845)            ($12,690)
passes at
Advanced Level
in HK Advanced
Level Examination  
plus 3 credits
in HKCEE (2A3O)
(e.g. Court Prosecutor,
Liaison Officer II)

QG 8:Professional     MPS 22              MPS 27
and Related         ($26,540)           ($33,355)
Group I:
Membership of a
institution or
(e.g. Treasury
Government Counsel)
Group II:
Grades with Pay
Structure Related
to Grades in
Group I
(e.g. Economist,
Administrative Officer)              

QG 9: Degree          MPS 11              MPS 16
and Related         ($15,215)           ($19,860)
(e.g. Executive          
Officer II,
Assistant Labour
Officer II)

QG 10:Model           MOD 0               MOD 0
Scale 1             ($8,144)            ($8,144)
Grades                                  (i.e. no
(e.g. Workman II,                        change)

QG 11:Education       MPS 11              MPS 16
Grades              ($15,215)           ($19,860)
                    (for both           (for degree
                     degree and          grades)
                                           MPS 13
QG 12: Other         varies                varies
(e.g. Air
Traffic Control
Officer III,

*   MPS refers to the Master Pay Scale, and MOD refers to the Model Scale 1 Pay Scale

     Similar to the 1999 SSS, the 2006 SSS did not cover the disciplined services grades in view of the lack of comparators in the market. The starting salaries of these grades will be adjusted through the same formulation as adopted for the 1999 SSS.

Ends/Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:45


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