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SFST encourages Fujian enterprises to use HK as global investment platform

    The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Frederick Ma, today (May 15) encouraged Fujian enterprises to make use of Hong Kong as a platform for capital formation and global investment.
     During his visit to Fuzhou, Mr Ma met government officials of Fujian Province and Fuzhou Municipality.

     He also attended the opening of the branch office of an accountancy firm in Fuzhou.  

     The branch office was set up following a visit by the accountancy firm's senior management who joined a financial services delegation to Fujian led by Mr Ma in 2005 to promote Hong Kong's financial services and to enhance co-operation between the two sides.  This visit was the first in a series conducted under the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation Framework Agreement (known as 9+2).  

Ends/Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Issued at HKT 14:31


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