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EPD is committed to promoting indoor air quality (with photos)

    The Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment), Ms Anissa Wong Sean-yee, today (May 15) commended the continued efforts and commitment of premises owners and property management companies participating in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places, to improve indoor air quality for users of the premises.

     "Good indoor air quality not only helps provide a pleasant living environment but also protects our health," said Ms Wong at the IAQ Certificate Award Ceremony and Technical Seminar.

     Ms Wong presented certificates to owners and property management companies joining the scheme, in recognition of their efforts in achieving good indoor air quality.

     The Government is dedicated to promoting good indoor air quality. The IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places, launched by the Environmental Protection Department in September, 2003, aims to encourage public and private organisations to adopt good IAQ management practices and, according to their situation and needs, pursue the best level of indoor air quality.

     As of today, there are 157 valid IAQ certificates. Among them, 23 are "Excellent Class" certificates and the rest are "Good Class" certificates.

     "To encourage more participation, public awareness of the scheme should be further enhanced. We will issue 'Good IAQ Labels', to scheme participants achieving the criteria of good indoor air quality, for display in their premises. While the public can easily differentiate between these premises, participants can also showcase their achievement in providing good indoor air quality in their premises, which in turn will encourage more organisations to join the scheme," Ms Wong said.

     The department has also started a consultancy study to identify more effective measures in enhancing indoor air quality. The study will also look at the sources of indoor air pollution, such as building and furnishing materials, and put together information from overseas counterparts on the emission standards of these materials and suggest possible ways of improvement.

     "We will invite community views for the proposals of the study in formulating a long-term policy to control indoor air pollution," she said.

     "I hope we will work together to improve the indoor air quality in Hong Kong, making it a pleasant and comfortable environment in which to live and further enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness," Ms Wong said.

     Latest information on indoor air quality is available at the IAQ Information Centre or its dedicated website

Ends/Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:16


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