SHWF attends World Health Assembly (with photos)

    The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, was in Geneva, Switzerland today (May 14, Switzerland time) attending the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a member of the China delegation.

     Prior to the Assembly, Dr Chow had the opportunity of meeting with the Health Minister, Mr Gao Qiang.

     Minister Gao had a frank exchange with Dr Chow on the general health situation of the world and the cooperation among the members of the WHO.

     He shared with Dr Chow the position regarding the sharing of virus samples. The issue of intellectual property was also raised.

     Dr Chow informed Minister Gao that Hong Kong would be able to comply with the international health regulation with a relevant legislation presented to the Legislative Council within this legislative session.

Ends/Monday, May 14, 2007
Issued at HKT 20:56