Views sought by Legco

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council Panel on Constitutional Affairs now invites members of the public and interested parties to express their views on the proposed re-organisation of policy bureaus of the Government Secretariat.

     On May 3, the Chief Executive, in addressing the Legislative Council, announced the plan to re-organise the Government Secretariat with effect from July 1 for rationalising the distribution of responsibilities between policy bureaus and also better facilitating the implementation of the priority policy initiatives. Following the re-organisation, there will be 12 instead of 11 bureaus. The Government also takes the opportunity to align the terms of employment of the position of Director of Chief Executive's Office with Directors of Bureau. Relevant papers can be viewed on this website:

     The Panel on Constitutional Affairs will hold a meeting to receive views from the public on the proposal this Friday (May 18) at 3pm in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building. Those interested in giving their views on the proposal are requested to complete and return the reply slip to the Clerk to the Panel by Wednesday (May 16). The reply slip can be downloaded from this website:

     Those who are interested in providing written submissions are requested to send them to the Clerk to the Panel by Thursday (May 17). Submissions received will be made available to the media and the public and uploaded onto the website of the Legislative Council unless advised otherwise. Submissions received and oral presentations at the meeting(s) will not be covered by the protection and immunity provided under the Legislative Council (Power and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap.382).

     The relevant address, fax and telephone numbers, and e-mail address are as follows:

Address  : Clerk to the Panel on
           Constitutional Affairs
           Legislative Council Secretariat
           3/F Citibank Tower, 3 Garden Road,
           Central, Hong Kong
Fax No.  : 2509 9055
Tel No.  : 2869 9507 or 2869 9253
E-mail   :

Ends/Monday, May 14, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:06