OFTA consults on allocation of spectrum for broadband wireless access

    The Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) today (May 11) issued a consultation paper to invite public views on the proposed allocation of spectrum for the provision of broadband wireless access (BWA) services.

     BWA is a technology that supports high-speed wireless access to mobile user devices for voice, video, Internet access and other applications. BWA is also an alternative to the wireline technologies for access to buildings and individual customers at fixed locations. Some local fixed network operators have expressed interest to deploy BWA technologies in their customer access networks.

     A spokesman for OFTA said user devices employing BWA technologies meeting open standards were expected to be commonly available in the market in the next couple of years. "These technologies have the potential of supporting innovative services and offering more choices to users in the market. To maintain Hong Kong's position as a telecommunications hub in the Asia Pacific region, OFTA sees it necessary to make available sufficient spectrum in a timely manner to address prospective market needs and to facilitate the introduction of new technologies and innovative services," the spokesman said.

     "In this consultation, we have put forward specific proposals for the allocation of 2.3 GHz band for the deployment of BWA. We also seek feedback from interested parties to assess the potential demand for spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band so that consideration could be given to including such spectrum in the future assignment of spectrum. To be in line with the guiding principles under the Spectrum Policy Framework recently promulgated by the Government, we propose to assign the BWA spectrum using a market-based approach which is based on auction. The auction is planned to be conducted in 2008."

     The industry and any interested parties are invited to submit views or comments on this consultation paper on or before July 11. Parties who are interested to invest in services operating in the spectrum concerned are also invited to express their intention to OFTA by the same deadline.

     The consultation paper can be downloaded from OFTA's website at www.ofta.gov.hk.

     OFTA conducted two rounds of consultation in 2004 and 2005 on the proposed allocation of spectrum for the deployment of BWA services. The consultation papers issued on December 20, 2004, and August 31, 2005, and the responses received can be downloaded from OFTA's website at www.ofta.gov.hk. OFTA has considered the responses to the previous two consultations in formulating proposals in the consultation paper issued today.

Ends/Friday, May 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:23