FS inspects employment assistance services in North District (with photos and video)

    The Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, accompanied by the District Officer (North) Mr Johann Wong, this morning (January 29) visited North District. The focus of the visit was to inspect support services provided by government departments and non-government organisations (NGOs) at district level to encourage and help people find jobs and become self-reliant.

     First stop was the Fanling Social Security Office of the Social Welfare Department. Mr Tang took a special interest in the economic assistance and other support the office was providing to unemployed Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients.  

     "The Government will ensure that those unemployed who are in financial difficulties will be provided with financial assistance so that their families can meet their basic needs. But it is even more important that they should be provided with the necessary encouragement and support services to help them find full-time jobs and improve the lives of their families through their own effort," Mr Tang said.

     The Financial Secretary then visited the services centre of an NGO in Sheung Shui. Under the Intensive Employment Assistance (IEA) Programme of the Social Welfare Department, the NGO is providing a series of employment-related support services including workshops, vocational counselling, job matching and follow-up services to improve the competitiveness of needy job-seekers.  

     Mr Tang met a group of IEA Programme participants at a sharing session held in the NGO's Sheung Shui services centre. He was impressed by the positive attitude and confidence of the participants and was happy to learn that many of them found the IEA Programme useful and rewarding.

     Mr Tang also visited the Sheung Shui Job Centre of the Labour Department. He was briefed on the comprehensive one-stop services and facilities being provided at the centre to help job seekers identify suitable job vacancies, prepare effective job applications and make direct contact with potential employers.

     After taking a first-hand look at the operations of the various employment support services, Mr Tang said: "I am happy to see that the government and non-government organisations involved have a good understanding of the aims and relative strengths of other service providers in the district.  

     "It is especially encouraging to note that they have been developing their complementary strengths to ensure that their clients are getting the best possible support as they strive for self-reliance. I know this means a lot to them and their families, a lot more than just the economic rewards. The Government will explore further how to enhance the co-ordination of these existing services."

Ends/Monday, January 29, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:16