High-risk and targeted groups urged to get vaccinated promptly (with photo)

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (January 18) urged members of the public who are covered by the Government Influenza Vaccination Programme (GIVP), but have not received the vaccines to get vaccinated as soon as possible as the usual peak season for influenza is just around the corner.

     A CHP spokesman said the seasonal peaks of influenza in Hong Kong usually occurred from January to March, but some places on the Mainland had already entered the peak influenza season.

     "High-risk members of the public should take precautionary measures, including influenza vaccination, to protect themselves against infection.

     The GIVP was developed in accordance with the recommendations made by the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases under the CHP. It covers the following target groups:

* Elderly people living in residential care homes;
* Long-stay residents of institutions for the disabled;
* Elderly people aged 65 years or above with chronic illness attending follow-up appointments in public clinics, or receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA);
* People aged under 65 years with chronic illness who are on CSSA, and some in-patients of the Hospital Authority (HA) who have chronic illnesses;
* Health care workers of DH, HA and other government departments, as well as health care workers in elderly homes or institutions for the disabled;
* Poultry workers or staff who may be in contact with poultry in the poultry culling operations;
* Babies aged six to 23 months from families receiving CSSA; and
* All pregnant women receiving CSSA.

     The spokesman said about 250,000 target clients have received influenza vaccinations since the programme started on November 6 last year.

     "Timely vaccination for the high-risk groups can ensure that they acquire adequate protection against influenza-related complications when the influenza peak arrives," he said.

     To prevent influenza and other respiratory tract infections, the public is advised to adopt the following measures:

* Build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise and adequate rest, reducing stress and avoiding smoking;
* Maintain good personal hygiene, and wash hands after sneezing and coughing and wear a mask when developing symptoms of respiratory infections;
* Maintain good ventilation; and
* Avoid visiting crowded places with poor ventilation, especially during peak flu season

Ends/Thursday, January 18, 2007
Issued at HKT 12:02