Hong Kong and Hangzhou Governments sign second staff exchange agreement (with photos)

    The Secretary for the Civil Service, Miss Denise Yue, today (January 18) hosted a signing ceremony for the second agreement for the exchange of civil servants between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Hangzhou Municipal Government.

     The Hangzhou delegation was led by the Vice-mayor, Mr¡¡Sheng Jifang. During the ceremony, the Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Rosanna Ure, signed the agreement with the Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Hangzhou Municipal Government, Mr Zheng Zhemin.

     Under the two-year agreement, three to five officers from each side will be attached to their counterpart government for four to eight weeks annually starting this year. The exchange programme not only facilitates sharing of knowledge and expertise, but also fosters a better understanding and closer partnership between Hong Kong and Hangzhou.

     A total of 31 departments and related organisations of Hong Kong and Hangzhou have joined the programme under the first staff exchange agreement signed in January, 2004. Between 2004 and 2006 there were 22 middle or senior ranking officers completing their attachments.

     The scope of exchange was very extensive, including construction, city planning and environmental protection, transportation, labour protection, industry and commerce, education, public health, civil service management, treasury and audit, drug safety, and social welfare.

     The staff exchange programme fully achieved its objectives in enhancing partnership and mutual communication. Both governments have continued with the communication and visits after the exchange period. With the support of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, HKSAR and Hangzhou governments have decided to extend their agreement.

Ends/Thursday, January 18, 2007
Issued at HKT 15:11