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Chief Executive visits Southern District (with photos) (with video)

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, this afternoon (January 17) toured an historical building and famous tourist spots - Ocean Park and Stanley Market - in Southern District.

     Accompanied by the Southern District Officer, Ms Eva Yam, the Chief Executive first visited the Bethanie in Pok Fu Lam to examine its unique architectural style and see the building's restoration works.

     The Bethanie was built by the Missions Etrangeres de Paris (French Mission) in 1875 and was used as a sanatorium for a century. It was declared a Grade II historic building in 1981. In 2003, the Government approved $74 million for the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) to restore Bethanie and two neighbouring cowsheds as its second campus and a new theatre. The renovation, which was completed last year, has restored the building's original features. Guided tours will be arranged later by the HKAPA to introduce tourists to the historical significance of Bethanie.

     The Chief Executive was pleased to see the adaptive re-use of the built heritage. "This 100-year-old historical building has been revitalised after restoration. It has become not only a new cultural landmark and tourist spot, but also a venue to promote arts and culture in the local community," Mr Tsang said.

     The Chief Executive then visited Ocean Park to see its latest attractions. The theme park, which has just celebrated its 30th anniversary, is very popular with locals and tourists alike and has been attracting an increasing number of visitors in recent years.

     Mr Tsang was briefed on the Skyfair, a new attraction to be launched soon. Visitors can enjoy a superb panoramic view of the Southern District with a ride in a helium balloon.

     Mr Tsang then visited An An and Jia Jia, the two giant pandas that are an attraction for local and overseas visitors alike.

     "Hong Kong people, in particular children, have grown deep feelings towards An An and Jia Jia since their arrival seven years ago," Mr Tsang said. "They are our friends and members of the Hong Kong community. We hope that they can enjoy their remaining years in the territory."

     The Chief Executive was extremely grateful to the Central People's Government for giving another pair of giant pandas to Hong Kong, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He was briefed on the preparatory work undertaken by Ocean Park in receiving the new pair of giant pandas.

     The Chief Executive also visited other major attractions in the park, including the Dolphin University and the Sea Jelly Spectacular.

   "The Government will strive to promote Hong Kong as the premier tourism destination in Asia for family visitors through developing diversified tourism products, including the redevelopment plans for Ocean Park and the development of new cruise terminal facilities," he said.

     The Chief Executive's next stop was another famous tourist spot - Stanley Market.

     Stanley Market accommodates more than 200 shops and stalls selling a wide range of goods of traditional style. It is a popular shopping spot for overseas visitors. The Chief Executive met many tourists and took the opportunity to chat with shop operators to get an update on their businesses.

     Before ending his visit, the Chief Executive had afternoon tea in a restaurant and chatted with customers about their daily lives.

Ends/Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:28


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