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Corporate Games promote "Sports for All" (with photo)

    The overall champions of the 17th Corporate Games, in which 8,000 people from various trades and businesses took part, received their trophies at Shek Kip Mai Park Sports Centre today (January 14) after three months of fierce contests.

     The annual Corporate Games have long been a vehicle for promoting "Sport for All" among the working population by providing them with opportunities to compete in their favourite sports.
     The Corporate Games, organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), are aimed at encouraging the working population to participate in sports and fostering team spirit and a stronger sense of belonging between the staff and management sides of local commercial, industrial and public organisations.

     Participating organisations are divided into Group A (organisations employing 300 people or more in Hong Kong), Group B (employing less than 300) and Group C (Government departments).

     The overall champions of the Corporate Games 2006 are Waifoong Sports Club (Group A), Popular Holdings Limited (Group B) and Hong Kong Police (Group C).  

     Officiating at today's Prize Presentation Ceremony, Chief Leisure Manager (Major Events) of the LCSD, Mrs Kane Li, said: "The LCSD has been organising sports competitions for different target groups with a view to nurturing a healthy and vibrant community. To further promote "Sport for All" as mentioned in the Chief Executive's latest Policy Address, we will assist the Sports Commission to hold the first Hong Kong Games in April and May this year, when athletes nominated by the 18 District Councils will compete in athletics, table tennis, basketball and badminton."

     The Corporate Games were first held in 1990.   In recent years an increasing number of organisations participated in the games.  A total of 280 organisations fielded 8,000 athletes in the Corporate Games 2006, with over 700 athletes competing in distance running, 200 more than in the previous year.

     The Corporate Games 2006 were held between October 2006 and January 2007. There were competitions in 13 sports: swimming, distance running, indoor rowing, badminton, table tennis, 7-a-side soccer, 11-a-side soccer, basketball, volleyball, snooker and tenpin bowling.

Ends/Sunday, January 14, 2007
Issued at HKT 14:06


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