Department of Justice Responds to Press Enquiries

    In response to press enquiries about the suggestion by Hong Kong Bar Association Chairman Mr Philip Dykes SC today (January 8) that Government lawyers should be "wholly within the professional fold", a Department of Justice spokesman gave the following reply:

     Government lawyers are already subject to the obligation and standards of professional conduct imposed by our courts on lawyers, including the United Nations Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors and the 55-page Statement of Prosecution Policy and Practice issued by the Department of Justice, which is equally if not more comprehensive as the Bar's Code of Conduct or the Law Society's Solicitors' Guide.

     "Moreover, the vast majority of Government lawyers are enrolled as Hong Kong solicitors or barristers and, as such, are subject to discipline by a Solicitors or Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal," the spokesman said.

     "A number of important issues concerning this matter would need to be fully considered," the spokesman added.  

Ends/Monday, January 8, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:49