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People urged to report animal cruelty acts (with photo)

    The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department is urging people to report acts of cruelty to animals.

     Speaking today (January 3) at the launch ceremony of a public education programme on animal welfare, the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, Mrs Stella Hung, believed that heavier penalties approved by the Legislative Council last month would have a greater deterrent effect on acts of cruelty to animals. She said the Government would also promote respect of animals through its continued public education and publicity efforts.

     With the enactment of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill, the maximum penalty for animal cruelty acts has been raised to a fine of $200,000 and imprisonment for three years.

     Launching a joint campaign with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Mrs Hung said the co-operation between the two parties would help combat uncivilised acts against animals and lead to offenders being charged.

     ˇ°Specifically, the scheme will enable more effective collection of information, leading to thorough investigations of suspected cases and eventual prosecution,ˇ± she said.

     More SPCA staff will be trained to assist in daily surveillance of cruelty acts. They will help gather evidence and prepare witness statements against offenders.

     Mrs Hung reminded people that keeping pets should be a life-long commitment and that the animals must be given proper care.

     A roving exhibition on proper treatment of animals, currently staged at the ground floor lobby of the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, will move on to other venues across the territory. A few brightly-painted buses have also been assigned to disseminate animal welfare messages.    

     People should call the police or the department through the Government hotline 1823 if they see any act of animal cruelty.

Ends/Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:06


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