Expression of interest invited for poultry slaughtering and processing plant

    The Government today (December 14) invited companies to express their interest in implementing the poultry slaughtering and processing plant project exercise.

     The expression of interest (EOI) exercise is to obtain up-to-date information and feedback from the private sector on the availability of prospective operators of the plant and the views of prospective operators on the operational and commercial arrangements for the development of the plant to be delivered under the build, own, operate and transfer arrangement.

     A spokesman for the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau said respondents would be asked to propose an initial design of the plant, a broad development plan including the estimated construction time and capital cost as well as the equipment/facilities to be installed/provided, a preliminary environmental management plan to mitigate any possible environmental impact arising from the operation of the plant, a preliminary business plan, the proposal of slaughtering fee and fee adjustment mechanism, the experience and expertise of the respondents etc.

     The deadline for submission of the EOI document is January 22, 2007.  Upon the completion of the EOI exercise, open tenders from the private sector will be invited.

     The plant would be expected to come into operation in 2009-10, the spokesman said.

Ends/Thursday, December 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:02