LC: Speech by S for S on the motion debate over Release of Ching Cheong

    Following is the English translation of the speech by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, on the motion debate on "Release of Ching Cheong" moved by Hon James To in the Legislative Council today (December 13):

Madam President,

     On behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), I would like to respond to the motion moved by the Honourable James To, the amendments proposed by the Honourable Howard Young and the remarks made by other Members.

     The HKSAR Government is deeply concerned about Mr Ching's case.  We are also aware of the concerns expressed by many individuals and organisations in Hong Kong over Mr Ching's case, and understand the feelings of Mr Ching's family.  In this incident, we have assigned dedicated officers to maintain contact with his family in order to provide all practicable assistance, such as relaying to the Central Government the requests and appeals of his family and making arrangements for family members to visit Mr Ching on the Mainland.  We have also reflected the views expressed over the case by various sectors in Hong Kong, including this Council.  Besides, Mr Ching's family and a number of organisations have from time to time expressed their views over the case through various media.

     Although the HKSAR Government is very concerned about the statutory rights of Hong Kong residents, including Mr Ching, who are detained, imprisoned or sentenced on the Mainland, I wish to recapitulate, the prime principle of "One Country, Two Systems" must be respected and complied with when we render assistance to these residents and their families.  Under the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", the HKSAR Government does not interfere with the law enforcement and judicial systems on the Mainland.  Neither do the Mainland authorities interfere with cases under the jurisdiction of the HKSAR.    

     Although the HKSAR Government will not comment on individual cases, we will definitely convey our wish to the Mainland authorities that the cases be dealt with timely and fairly in accordance with the Mainland laws.  While assistance-seekers may submit their appeals or views through their Mainland lawyers, the HKSAR Government stands ready to provide assistance in relaying their views to the relevant Mainland authorities under the established mechanisms.  

     Now that the Mainland court has handed down a judgment on Mr Ching's case, the HKSAR Government, acting in observance of the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", is not in a position to comment on the details of the case or the court judgment.

     The HKSAR Government has relayed the appeals of Mr Ching's family to the Mainland authorities concerned, including their requests for granting Mr Ching release on medical parole or a transfer to a Guangdong prison to serve the sentence.  We have also forwarded to the Mainland authorities concerned the letter jointly signed last week by over 40 Members of the Council.  The letter pleads for consideration be given to granting medical parole to Mr Ching on humanitarian grounds so that he can return to Hong Kong to receive medical treatment.

     In any case, the HKSAR Government will continue to maintain contact with Mr Ching's family, keep in touch with the Mainland authorities with a view to updating Mr Ching's family with the latest developments, and render all practicable assistance to Mr. Ching and his family.
     Thank you, Madam President.

Ends/Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 20:16