Government rejects an application for a sound broadcasting licence

    The Government announced today (December 12) that the Chief Executive in Council had rejected the application made by the Ocean Technology Limited for a sound broadcasting licence under the Telecommunications Ordinance (the Ordinance) (Cap. 106).

     A spokesman for the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau said that the Chief Executive in Council (CE-in-Council) decided to reject the application, having duly considered the application made by the Ocean Technology Limited, the views and recommendations from the Broadcasting Authority (BA), the representations submitted by the Ocean Technology Limited in response to the BA's recommendations and the Administration's views, as well as whether there are any less restrictive means other than refusing to grant a licence to the Ocean Technology Limited in order to meet the objections and concerns against the application that he thinks valid on technical and other grounds.

     "The factors which the CE-in-Council took into account before reaching the decision include the feasibility of the applicant's technical proposal on the use of radio frequency spectrum, and the management, financial and technical capability of the applicant to establish and maintain a sound broadcasting service," the spokesman said.

     The Ocean Technology Limited submitted an application to the BA for a sound broadcasting licence on September 8, 2005 under section 13B of the Ordinance. It subsequently amended the application in writing on December 15, 2005. The Ocean Technology Limited intended to operate a non-commercial and non-profit making radio station known as "Citizens' Radio Station".

     It was the first time that the BA had received an application for a sound broadcasting licence other than in response to invitation for applications by the Government.  As the applicant did not submit sufficient information at the beginning, the BA had requested the applicant to submit more information on its technical, financial and managerial capabilities to facilitate the assessment of the application.  Upon receipt of the required information, the BA considered the application under section 13C of the Ordinance and made recommendations to the CE-in-Council.

     In order to ensure a fair hearing, upon receipt of the BA's recommendations in August 2006, the Administration wrote to the applicant to convey to it the BA's recommendations and the Administration's views, and asked if the applicant would like to make any representation on the same to the CE-in-Council. The applicant submitted its representations on November 15, 2006.

Ends/Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:16