FEHD investigates into cremation case

    The Deputy Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (FEHD) (Environmental Hygiene), Ms Annette Lee, said today (December 1) that the department would look into an earlier case involving cremation at the Kwai Chung Crematorium.

     "But based on information we have gathered so far, there is no reason to believe the case involves cremation of a wrong body.  Before cremation took place in this case, the staff concerned found that the name of the deceased recorded on the coffin was different from that listed on the cremation documents and on the ash bag. After getting consent from the applicant for the cremation service, he opened the coffin to check the particulars on the deceased's identification bracelet.

     "And cremation only took place after having confirmed that the particulars on the bracelet matched with those on the cremation documents and the ash bag," Ms Lee said.

     Ms Lee said that it was the standing practice for the department's staff to check the particulars of the deceased on relevant cremation documents, ash bags and coffins before cremation proceeded.  And in most cases, families of the deceased would appoint undertakers of burial to be the applicants for cremation services.

     She said, "We received a staff complaint about the case in question in late October. Initial investigations indicated that it did not involve cremation of a wrong body."

     She said the department had contacted the deceased's family about the incident.

     As to the alleged misconduct of staff involved in the case as reported by the media today, Ms Lee said the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene was very concerned and had appointed the Deputy Director (Administration and Development) to conduct a thorough investigation to see if any staff misconduct was involved.

     "Concerning opening of coffins, we consider it is more appropriate to have the family of the deceased present. The department will review the cremation procedures and provide new guidelines to staff as necessary."

Ends/Friday, December 1, 2006
Issued at HKT 21:07