Laser scanning helps preserve detailed features of the Star Ferry pier (with photos)

    Detailed features of the old Star Ferry pier and the clock tower have already been recorded and stored as 3D images through an advanced laser scanning technology.  The data and images collected enable the Government to consider how to incorporate some special features of these buildings in the design of the new Central harbourfront.

     In addition to the digital method, relevant government department is taking photographic record for the pier which had served Hong Kong for decades.

     Civil Engineering & Development Department's Chief Land Surveyor Dominic Siu said the department had used laser scanning to digitalise all detailed information before the demolition of the Star Ferry pier and the clock tower so as to help preserve people's 'collective memory'.

     He said laser scanning can acquire huge amount of 3D points, or 'point clouds', in very short time.

     "Through the 'point clouds', the scanning system can also measure distances and directions, and produce structural and cross-sectional plans, 3D models and computer flythrough animation, which can unfold concerned buildings from all perspectives.

     "With a record of more than 150 million of measured points, details, features and even settings of the pier and the clock tower have been precisely stored in a digital way.

     "Different substances have different degree of reflection intensity.  Laser scanning can isolate colours, texture and co-ordinates of buildings.  Such data can be saved in an electronic format which enable the Government to consider how to incorporate some special features of the clock tower and the pier in the design of the new Central harbourfront."

     Mr Siu said the laser scanner worth about 2 million and was purchased by the Civil Engineering and Development Department in 2003.  "It is primarily intended for use in landslip forensic investigation when the department bought it three years ago," he added.

     As an added value, the scanner is also used for recording information of monumental buildings or objects to assist historical researches and study of the buildings, Mr Siu said.

     Apart from the old Star Ferry pier, projects completed the 3D recordings included Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb, Tai Fu Tai Mansion at San Tin and the Fire Fighting Boat "Alexander Grantham".

Ends/Friday, November 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:28