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New measures on applying for licensing services

    The Transport Department (TD) today (November 24) announced that with effect from Monday (November 27), a person who uses a cheque to settle outstanding court fines will have his application for licensing services in respect of driving licence, vehicle licence and transfer of vehicle ownership processed by TD seven working days after the date of payment.

     "The new measure is introduced to ensure that defaulters cannot use dishonoured cheques to circumvent the existing control measures that bar them from using TD's licensing and registration services, having regard to Director of Audit's earlier recommendation," a department spokesman said.

     Applications for licensing services will continue to be processed in accordance with the existing procedures and will not be subject to the new arrangement, if the applicants choose to settle the outstanding traffic fines by cash or EPS.

     Details of the new arrangement are available at Transport Department's website For enquiries, applicants can call the TD Hotline at 2804 2600.

Ends/Friday, November 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:40