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More civil celebrants of marriages appointed

    The Immigration Department today (November 24) announced the appointment of another 49 civil celebrants of marriages.

     This brings the number of civil celebrants to 1,071 since the appointment of the first batch on April 21, 2006.

     A department spokesman said the Civil Celebrants of Marriages Scheme had been well received by the public because they have more choices and greater convenience in making arrangements for their weddings. To the end of October, some 6,400 couples had filed their marriage notice through civil celebrants and more than 4,200 couples had their marriage celebrated by the civil celebrants. With the latter part of a year normally being the peak season for marriages, it is expected that more couples will choose to have their marriages celebrated by civil celebrants later this year.

     The Registrar of Marriages has issued an "Information Leaflet for the Marrying Parties" which provides the necessary steps and points to note for intended marrying parties in their selection of civil celebrants to celebrate their marriages. The information leaflet and the updated list of civil celebrants can be viewed at the Immigration Department website at They are also available at the Information and Liaison Section of the Immigration Department, 2nd Floor, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai (Tel: 2824 6111) and at various marriage registries.

Ends/Friday, November 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 09:44