Transport Complaints Unit receives more complaints

    The Transport Complaints Unit of the Transport Advisory Committee received 5,481 complaints and suggestions from July 1 to September 30, 2006.  Among these, 43 were pure suggestions.  The number of cases was an increase of 12.1% on the 4,889 cases in the previous quarter.

     The major areas of complaints and suggestions were public transport services (76%), enforcement matters (14%) and traffic conditions (6%).  The number of cases on public transport services increased by 14.1% from 3,685 in the previous quarter to 4,206 in this quarter.  

     Complaints and suggestions about traffic conditions increased from 266 in the last quarter to 321 in this quarter.  Cases about road maintenance increased from 87 in the last quarter to 104 in this quarter.  The number of complaints about illegal parking and other enforcement matters increased slightly from 745 to 754.

     ¡°All the complaints and suggestions received by the unit in the quarter were referred to the relevant authorities and government departments for follow-up action,¡± a spokesman for the committee said.

     During the period under review, investigations into 5,177 cases were completed.  Of these, 3,491 cases (67%) were found to be substantiated, 268 cases (5%) were unsubstantiated, and the remaining 1,418 cases (28%) were not pursuable due to lack of evidence.  

     For the substantiated cases, the relevant government departments or public transport operators had either taken steps to rectify the situation or were considering possible solutions to the problems identified.

     During the quarter, the relevant government departments and organisations took on board 31 suggestions made by the public to enhance public transport services and improve traffic conditions.  A summary of the cases where public suggestions have helped to bring about improvements is at the Appendix.  

    People may make their suggestions or complaints to the TCU by dialling the hotline 2889 9999 (voice mail service after office hours), by fax  to 2577 1858, by e-mail to or by filling in a complaint form downloaded from the TCU website


Public Suggestions Taken on Board by Relevant Authorities
 (July¡ªSeptember 2006)

I. Public Transport Services

* Install queue rails at a bus stop at Hennessy Road to facilitate passengers.
* Relocate a bus stop at Man Tung Road to facilitate passengers.

II. Traffic Management

Hong Kong Island

* Increase the vehicular green time of traffic lights at Caine Road and Tai On Street to alleviate traffic congestion.  
* Increase the pedestrian green time of traffic lights at Convention Avenue and Caine Road to facilitate pedestrians.  
* Relocate a traffic sign at Lau Li Street to facilitate pedestrians.
* Install railings at Lyttelton Road to deter illegal parking on pavement.
* Install railings at a safety island at Pok Fu Lam Road to improve road safety.
* Add lane marking at the junction of Morrison Hill Road and Leighton Road to avoid confusion to motorists.
* Add a yellow box at Queensway to prevent vehicle obstruction.
* Add lane destination marking at Old Peak Road, Glenealy and Robinson Road to guide motorists.
* Install traffic cylinders at Cotton Tree Drive to improve road safety.
* Improve the pedestrian crossing facilities at Island Resort Public Transport Interchange to facilitate pedestrians.


* Increase the vehicular green time of traffic lights at the following locations to alleviate traffic congestion : Waterloo Road, New Clear Water Bay Road and Yen Chow Street.
* Increase the pedestrian green time of traffic light at Tai Nan West Street to facilitate pedestrians.
* Add a "Keep Clear" road marking at Wai Lok Street to prevent vehicle obstruction.
* Add a "Give Way" road marking at Bedford Road to remind motorists to slow down.
* Add a "No Left Turn" traffic sign at Ma Tau Chung Road to remind motorists.
* Add "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" traffic signs at Wai On Street to avoid confusions to motorists.

New Territories

* Increase the vehicular green time of traffic lights at the following locations to alleviate traffic congestion : Tsing King Road, Yuen Long Tai Yuk Road and Tai Tong Road.
* Delete a yellow box and add a solid-cum-broken white line at Container Port Road to regulate lane-cutting activities.
* Revise the layout of Tai Chung Road Roundabout to improve traffic flow.
* Add parking spaces for motorcycles at Ping Chuk Lane Public Carpark to facilitate motorcyclists.
* Revise the effective time of "No Stopping Restriction" at Castle Peak Road ¡ª Tsuen Wan to prevent vehicle obstruction.
* Modify road markings at Tsun Wen Road to avoid confusion to motorists.

Ends/Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:50