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Buildings Department to investigate Aberdeen external wall collapse

    The Buildings Department will investigate the collapse of an external wall at a demolition site in Aberdeen.

     About 4pm yesterday (November 20), a portion of the external wall, measuring about 16 metres wide and six metres high, fell from the fourth floor of an industrial building, which was under demolition at 2, Heung Yip Road.

     The department had asked the Authorised Person, Registered Structural Engineer and Registered Contractor of the project to submit a report on the incident to assist with the investigation, the Assistant Director of Buildings, Mr Choy Kin-kuen said today (November 21) after visiting the site.

     "Immediately after we received a report of the collapse yesterday afternoon, Buildings Department staff went to the site to assess the condition of the building and oversee the necessary work to remove any loose and dangerous parts from the site," Mr Choy said.

     "We have instructed the contractor to suspend demolition work until all the necessary safety measures are put in place," he added.

     A section of the adjacent Yip Fat Street, which was closed right after the incident, was re-opened about 3 o'clock this morning after all debris and scattered bamboo scaffolds were cleared.

Ends/Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:21