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Website and hotline on wage protection commence operation

    The Labour Department (LD)'s dedicated website and enquiry hotline on the Wage Protection Movement (WPM) have already commenced operation to provide information on the movement and handle enquiries.

     The Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, said at the Legislative Council Manpower Panel meeting today (November 16) that the LD was promoting the movement for cleaning workers and security guards through a multi-pronged approach. He urged the business community and labour sector to join with the Government to promote wage protection.

     The dedicated website (, which provides information and arrangement relating to the WPM, will be updated regularly.

     Also, a special enquiry hotline, 2852 3815 for the WPM is manned by a dedicated officer during office hours (from 9am to 6.15pm, Monday to Friday). Employers may also call the LD's 24-hour telephone enquiry line 2717 1771.

     The Government encourages enterprises and employer groups to join the WPM by pledging to offer market wage rates to cleaning workers and security guards (including workers under their direct employ and those employed by outsourced service contracts). This means that their wage level should not be lower than the relevant average market rates as published in the Census and Statistics Department's Quarterly Report of Wage and Payroll Statistics. These workers should also be suitably compensated if they have to work beyond contractual working hours.

     Enterprises that join the WPM should also enter into written employment contracts with cleaning workers and security guards under their direct employ and require their contractors to do so for their own workers.

     "The WPM is a pragmatic step taken by the Government in addressing an issue that carries far-reaching socio-economic implications and on which views of the community remain diverse. It is a significant and strategic move in ensuring that cleaning workers and security guards are paid the average market wages through non-legislative means," Mr Cheung said.

     "The Labour Department will vigorously promote wage protection through a package of publicity measures including screening radio and TV Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs), distributing publicity materials on the WPM, as well as reaching out to business chambers and employer groups.

     "In recognition of the support of the WPM by socially responsible employers, a logo is being designed by the LD for use by enterprises which join, and continue to comply with, the WPM," he said.

     Mr Cheung pointed out that the LD would be adopting an all-embracing and outreaching approach to work closely with the major chambers of commerce and employer groups to kickstart the WPM. The LD will also target owners' corporations, which together employ a sizable number of cleaning workers and security guards. Mr Cheung called on all sectors to join with the Government to make this worthy cause a success.

Ends/Thursday, November 16, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:29