18 illegal workers and employers arrested in joint operation

    Twelve suspected illegal workers and six employers or persons-in-charge of workplaces were arrested today (November 13) in an anti-illegal employment operation conducted jointly by the Labour Department and the Police over the territory.

     Labour inspectors and police officers raided 34 locations in various districts over the territory including eating places, retail shops, interior decoration sites, hair salons, laundry workshop and cargo forwarding site. A total of 12 suspected illegal workers and six employers or persons-in-charge were arrested.

     Among the 12 suspected illegal workers arrested, five were two-way permit holders, four were visitors from India, two were overstayers and one was suspected to be illegal immigrant.  Most of them were found working as shop assistants in retail shops or waiters in eating place.

     "Since January this year, the Labour Department has conducted 171 joint operations with other enforcement departments to combat illegal employment," a spokesman for the Labour Department said.  

     "Employing illegal workers is a serious offence. Even a first-time offender will be sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Employers should not breach the law."

     "The Labour Department will continue to take vigorous enforcement against illegal employment to protect the employment opportunities for local workers," he said.

     The Labour Department urged people to report illegal employment to its hotline 2815 2200. All information provided will be handled in strict confidence.

Ends/Monday, November 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 21:08