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Fight Crime Committee Report released

    The Fight Crime Committee Report No. 25, which gives a detailed account of the committee's work in 2005, was released today (November 12).

     During the year, the committee examined a number of issues including the overall crime situation; progress reports on the Police Superintendents' Discretion Scheme; the Correctional Services Department's publicity activities on the reintegration of rehabilitated offenders; and fight crime publicity campaign strategies.  

     The Committee also had detailed deliberations on the war against drugs and money laundering, as well as the work to prevent and tackle crimes related to domestic violence.

     The report carries chapters on the liaison and co-operation between the committee and District Fight Crime Committees, as well as the work of the two sub-committees under the Fight Crime Committee - the Standing Committee on Young Offenders and the Publicity Sub-Committee.

     Chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration, the Fight Crime Committee consists of seven other senior government officials and eight non-official members.  It is responsible for drawing up plans to reduce crime, to co-ordinate efforts in fighting crime, to monitor the results and to determine ways in which the public can be stimulated to contribute to the reduction of crime.

     The report is now available for collection at all the District Offices of the Home Affairs Department.  It has also been uploaded onto the Security Bureau's website at

Ends/Sunday, November 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:30